Dingle dangle 2018 oil on canvas 193.9×390.9cm
The 21st-century optimists, Art Centre Art Moment, Seoul, Korea 2021

In the work <Dingle Dangle 2018>, I have connected objects I use in daily life such as my glasses, comb, car key, etc. with a black spring onto a white plastic bag. One can infer a page in my life through this collection of objects. By intertwining objects that we use and need every day and feel uncomfortable with their absence I wanted to emphasize the inevitable daily life and uncomfortable truth of contemporary life. Also, the now familiar yet waiting to be forgotten objects are a metaphor to the ephemeral and fleeting trait of contemporary life. <Let’s just cover it for now 2018> is a work that conceals this intricate relationship of reality.

Collection 2018 600cmx200cm Acrylic on Fabric and Sewn Together
Cube Art Museum Bandal Gallery, Seoungnam, Korea


Puzzle 2017 320cmx164cm acrylic on paper, panel Space K, Gwacheon, Korea

Roop 00:04:25 2004 interactive media
Seodaemun Prison History Hall, Seoul, Korea